Room Managers

  • Room Managers

    • Rayleighn
      Busy Bee Room Manager


      Busy Bee Room Manager

      Ray has been with Woodlands over a year now, she has spent time in all our rooms and age groups. After spending a year as a key person in our Babies, Ray had been working closely with her Room Manager she quickly showed the skills to work as the room manager in Busy bees.

      Ray has gained a wealth of knowledge throughout the early years sector, working with children with additional needs and how to best adapt both practice and the environment to best suit children’s needs. She is currently completing her Early Years level 3 training so is bringing fresh skills and ideas to the team. Moving from the baby room across to busies gives Ray a deeper knowledge of the children who are also transitioning to Busies and will be a familiar face to children and their families.

    • Jemma
      Pre-School Room Manager


      Pre-School Room Manager

      Jemma began with us back in 2019 and immediately shone within our setting. During the pandemic Jemma’s excellent leadership skills, calm manner and her ability to take everything thrown at her, in her stride, has proved beyond doubt that she is the perfect fit for this role.

      A big part of her role in Pre-School is ensuring that the children are ready and transition happy to school.

      Supporting parents in this role is just as important as well as liaising with teachers from all of the schools our children are going to attend.

    • Cam
      Babies & Busies Room Manager at Woodlands Also


      Babies & Busies Room Manager at Woodlands Also

      Cam joined the Woodlands family in March 2019, as a Nursery Assistant supporting our key workers in their day-to-day roles. After spending time working across all of the age groups, Cam gained a wealth of knowledge and experience, particularly where she was able to see each age group through their transition into the next age group and off to school, she has a true understanding of transitions throughout the Nursery and how to support children and their families.

      Cam completed her level 2 and level 3 training whilst with us and over that time has gone from strength to strength, building relationships with families, the children, and the team. Being a Mum herself gives Cam a truly rounded view for the children and families. Cam is genuinely dedicated to childcare; not only is she nurturing but Cam has a positive and fun nature which is welcomed by all the children.

    • Abbey
      Baby Bees Room Manager


      Baby Bees Room Manager

      Abbey started in June 2019, and during her level 2/3 training, she got the opportunity to work across all age groups and units as well as regularly visiting Woodlands Also, giving her a vast amount of experience and knowledge!

      Abbey played a vital role throughout the pandemic, supporting our children during a difficult time and reassuring our Key Worker parents through the uncertain period. This gave Abbey a real chance to shine, showing us her incredible skills to overcome new challenges and remain calm in an unknown situation. Abbey is approachable and personable for parents and children; she is bubbly and loves having fun and getting messy! Abbey supports all the children she cares for to reach their full potential and is a great role model to her team!

    • Serena
      Pre-school Room Manager at Woodlands Also


      Pre-school Room Manager at Woodlands Also

      Serena joined the Woodlands family back in September 2017 after spending a few terms with us on her college placement while completing her Level 3 certificate in Early Years, she has grown with Woodlands Also, being a key person to some of our first children who joined the setting and moving across each age group as we expanded into the setting we are today. This has given her a great amount of skill and experience throughout Woodlands.

      During the pandemic, Serena played a vital role working with our key worker children as a familiar and stable person for both them and their families. Adapting her practice and working closely with totally different parts of the team. Serena left us for just over a year and became a member of the Disney Cruise team, travelling the world, working with children and families from different countries across the world while sharing her true love of Disney.

      Serena is a fun and positive team player, her dedication to the children shines through her practice and she is a great role-model for the team.