A F T E R N O O N • T E A ☕️🍰
Last week our Rising Fours went over to the care home to serve the residents a very Royal Afternoon tea! They enjoyed scones and some very special crown biscuits, made by the children.
They really enjoyed spending time together, sharing stories and having lovely conversations. Thank you for having us!
#afternoontea #coronation #bighelpout #earlyyears #communityB I G • H E L P • O U T
Today as part of the Kings Coronation celebration, our children have been volunteering in our community! Today they went to help the @royalmailofficial deliver post to some of our neighbours!
They did a fantastic job working alongside Zoe, chatting to our neighbours and making sure their post arrived safely.
They even had a chance to have a look in the Post Van too!
Well Done Rising Fours!
#community #bighelpout #kingscoronation #earlylearning #earlyyears🐝 Working Together 🐝
Residents from our local care home, Florence Court, have such a warm welcome from the children when they come to volunteer with us. Today, Mona came to visit pre-school at Woodlands Also!
Creating opportunities for meaningful interactions with older people provides children with such unique learning opportunities.
From building confidence and communication skills to gaining understanding of the world around them, there are so many benefits for both the children and residents when they spend time together, mixing generations within the community. We have so much fun and truly cherish these moments 💕
#intergenerational #meaningfulinteractions🐝 Woodlands families 🐝 Are you looking for more help with sleep? We have teamed Kirsty, a local sleep consultant to offer a free session for support with sleep for your family! Check out your emails for an alert with all of the information @chuckles_sleepconsultant #sleepconsultant #sleephelpbaby #sleephelptoddler
G O L D I L O C K S 🥣
Today some of our Baby Bees have been reading Goldilocks and the Three bears and exploring a tuff tray based on the story. The tuff tray was filled with the Three Bears porridge, spoons and bowls of different sizes. The Babies were able to then use their fine motor skills to feed the bears and scoop up the porridge.
Well done Baby Bees!
#worldbookday #earlychildhoodeducation #earlyyearsideas #literacy #eyfsL I B R A R Y 📚
Today some of our Pre-schoolers walked to the Locks Heath Centre to visit the Library.
They had a lovely time, exploring the books and sharing stories.
After their walk they had a little break on the field before their walk back and shared some stories together.
Looks like they had lots of fun! Well done Pre-School 🐝
#worldbookday #loveofreading #literacy #literacymatters #books #earlylearning #earlyyears #woodlandsecoprojectC L O T H E S • S W A P
Due to the popularity of our last clothes swap, we will be introducing a permanent clothes swap! As part of our eco drive, there will a rail of clothes at both settings, within the offices, that parents are welcome to help themselves to. There’s lots of uniform in there too!
If you have anything you would like to donate to the clothes swap, please feel free to add your clothes to the rail.
If you do have any baby or child hangers, please feel free to drop these in too!
#ecodrive #woodlandsecoproject #clothesswap #sustainable #sustainablefashionThis error message is only visible to WordPress admins
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